The Science of Emotions & Communication

Welcome To The Class

MODULE 1: Inside Game: Exercise to become more aware of WHO you need to BEcome to make the sales process feel effortless. The Reverse Rabbit Hole + Perspective Enhancement Exercise (specifically modified for this purpose).

* Link to Google Hangout Date/Time & Replay when ready + homework questions and exercises.

MODULE 2: The External Application: Exercise to get to know your customer and their problems that you’re fixing…better than they do!

* Link to Google Hangout Date/Time & Replay when ready + homework questions and exercises.

MODULE 3: Understanding everything is about communication and sales.

Your relationships (with yourself, the world, and your friends and family) let alone customers…is a thing! It involves how you communcate with yourself and others and what you ‘sell’ yourself on as being important.

* Link to Google Hangout Date/Time & Replay when ready + homework questions and exercises.

MODULE 4: Understanding Emotions & Motivation: Communication and sales is about understanding the fundamental nature of people. People are motivated towards pleasure and away from pain.

* Link to Google Hangout Date/Time & Replay when ready + homework questions and exercises.

MODULE 5: Simplicity is power.

* Link to Google Hangout Date/Time & Replay when ready + homework questions and exercises.