The Power of Perspective – This Can Change Your Life

Here’s another shot from one of my favorite hikes…from a different angle.
Hey while we’re on the topic of angles…had me thinking about one of the most powerful things that has helped me and the patients I worked with at an opiate addictions clinic.
Let me break down the angle I taught this from. So, the people I worked with often had these things in life where something would happen…then they’d always react a certain way, and get a shitty outcome! Again and again.
I asked them: “Hey, you want to break that cycle of shite outcomes?” “Sure man” was always the response.
OK, so hear me out. What creates results? You know like the shitty results you keep getting?
Actions right? Someone does or says something and you reACT a certain way.
So what comes before actions, so that you might be able to change that?
So just change your actions and you’ll get better results! If it were that easy, I’d be out of a job and you’d have an awesome life…right?
Thoughts and feelings. Yep. That comes before actions. So just change your toughts and feelings and you can change your actions?
Well…if it was that easy everyone would simply do that, and I’d be out of a job and you’d be having an awesome life.
Well it’s not that simple. What comes before thoughts and feelings? Yep…you guessed it. I gave away the punchline at the beginning of this post. PERSPECTIVE.
Never underestimate the power of being able to change perspectives, look at things through other peoples eyes, from a third party disinterested person based on just what can be seen…or even from an instution like your job. Don’t worry you can always come back to your personal, emotional view. But consider leaving it for a minute. Get all robot like and just notice what is. Give yourself the gift of being the observer for a minute.
As I mentioned to them. Somewhere in life, it kicked your ass. So you are seeing life 120% through your OWN eyes and only your eyes primarly. Once you let that down a bit and become curious about what’s really up and leave the personal stuff alone…at this point you’ll have a shot.
But you also have to learn how to pause in these moments to even have a shot at better outcomes. It’s hard but it’s worth it.
It’s a super power you can use to change yourself and your reality.
“Man conquers the world by conquering himself.” – Zeno of Citium
Are you getting the results you want? Have you considered expanding your perspective?
…give it a whirl.